
Resident evil 6 regenerators
Resident evil 6 regenerators

MSV Escaping unscathedInteresting Hot Topic GC (once I could find it), especially Gill’s letter about Call Of Cthulhu: Dark Corners Of The Earth.I couldn’t get into it but my son (I know, I know) really enjoyed it and also had to give up at the bit on the boat. A good horror film can shock and frighten you but a good horror game can actually put you inside the nightmarish situation and conjure a sense of personal vulnerability movies can’t hope to replicate. The title is a first class experience so far which demonstrates how much more potent games can be in comparison to films. I overlooked the first game, it appeared a bit generic and I didn’t take to the demo, shame on me.Playing the sequel is akin to being trapped inside an Alien movie armed (initially) only with a torch. DMR Waking nightmareI haven’t been scared by a game for ages, since perhaps Resident Evil 4’s Regenerators but I have to say even though I’ve only just started it Dead Space 2 is really terrifying. I’m going to side with the haters on this one and only a Halloween miracle can save it now. I know some have criticised the Bayonetta demo on these pages and elsewhere. Even during the hype stages.Okay, this is just a demo – and one I haven’t even played. Who wants co-op play in a Resident Evil? Who are they that I might seek them out and punish them severely? Resident Evil 4 was many more times imaginative and interesting than this. The Chris section that I saw nearly made me weep.Why are they trying to force a military style shooter on me? Why? For the love of all that is holy, Capcom this is looking worse than the fifth instalment. Resident Evil 6 – or as I prefer to name it now Call Of Evil: Me-Too Fare – just has no imagination whatsoever. The time when Resident Evil 4 seemed like a brave, exciting new direction feels like an eternity ago.

resident evil 6 regenerators resident evil 6 regenerators

Resident Evil 6 – has Chris got reason to be scared?Ĭhris may cryWell, I’ve seen the gameplay trailers for the new Resident Evil 6 demo – and I can say I’m not at all impressed.

Resident evil 6 regenerators